About the Blog

I have been thinking about starting a blog after my best friend started one related to her experiences in nursing school and about her relationships and life in general. I have kept up with her blog and the more I read the more I wanted to have one of my own. Not to share my deep dark secrets but something else. At first I wasn’t sure exactly what I wanted this blog to be about so it took me awhile to actually start it, but I finally came up with a topic I feel is important to me.  The title of this blog is “Thank God It’s Today” for one main reason though this reason needs a little bit of background information.

I started dating my boyfriend, P, in October of this year and through him I have learned a lot about living day by day. I have always been a big time planner however, since beginning my relationship with P, I have learned the importance of slowing down and making every day as important as the days I spent planning for. This is something I wish to express in my blog. I will write about the things that may not be a big part of my day but really change my attitude towards my day. I feel it’s the little things that can make or break our days. It’s only when we focus on the negative that our days turn out to be bad ones instead of good ones. In this blog I would like to point out the things that make my day so others can start seeing for themselves the positives in their own day to day activities.

Since I am also a nursing student I will be posting about my life as one. It can be hectic and busy but it can be rewarding as well and I’d like to share by experiences. I would love to hear of other’s experiences in nursing or nursing school. I am hoping this can be a place where advice can be shared through these experiences. I know that nursing school can change ones free time, effect one’s relationships and ultimately change how one thinks about life. I think it is a good way to learn, through other’s experiences. At the same time I share my experiences in nursing, I will also share about how it has affected my relationships with my family, friends and boyfriend since this is important to me also.

Please feel free to comment and share your own experiences! I would love to read about them!